“When you give the body what it needs-a well functioning nervous system-a healthy balance diet and a clear and present mind-you are capable of anything!”
Dr. Katelyne Allen
Doctor of Chiropractic. Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. Quantum Remedy Provider. Certified Gerson Practitioner
May this give you a peek in my mind frame and thought process for vision I have to empower one community at a time with an innate approach of self-awareness. I was presented with an awesome opportunity to open a Holistic Wellness Studio in my hometown Zanesville, Ohio while also being 50 minutes from my husband's, (Jake) hometown in Columbus, Ohio. After graduating from The University of Kentucky with Bachelors in Exercise Science, I was presented with the honor to start a CrossFit Gym adjacent to my family’s business of 30+ years. However, I had an urge to learn more! I wanted to give back to the community I grew up in, but with this time with a different perspective shift. My desire no longer was just helping people “feel good/look good”, rather I wanted to see people THRIVE, not just survive. After earning my Doctorate from Sherman College of Chiropractic this understanding of human potential and true healing learned from school has already allowed me to do just that. We opened our first location in Ohio with no concrete intensions on putting roots down just yet! Fast forward to 2023, we opened our second location here in Houston, Texas. Open a place for ultimate healing and true wellness we will be able to deliver, share and practice at highest level from an inward/outward innate healing approach, by providing Herbal/Aromatherapy, food/beverage culture and but not limited to spinal energetics natural energetic body work for the city of Houston. I am truly honored and humble to have another opportunity to share the good news and watch the communities start thrive rather than just survive, by correcting underlying health imbalances through natural healing methods. It is my goal for every human I encounter to live the life they love & discover their limitless potential and become version of their self. My goal is to see each individual I encounter awaken the true potential and discover a new perspective on life and healing for their walk of life. I believe that a holistic approach to health can benefit everyone across the world not just limited to our community. I am inspired to empower my patients to achieve optimal health at every age. Vital Source Chiropractic will create an environment of TRUE health care that has a focus centered around unlocking unique power to heal (identifying barriers preventing vibrant health).
“My Purpose is to help raise The Spectrum of Our World through which it pertains heavily to gastronomy Knowledge. The building blocks of Self must start By Knowing what To put into Her-His Body and what the outcome will Be.
-Jacob Allen”
Jacob Allen
Culinary Freelance Creator & Gastronomical Intuitive Custom Chef.
The primary reason for being driven towards the field of Gastronomy is to help the reactivation of the importance of Healthy food preparation along with its correlation in the Human Anatomy. Healthy food choices not only affect the thinking patterns, behavior & overall mental state of Humans optimal performance but without the proper balance daily nutritional preparation, cultivation & eating habits can heavily diminish overall homeostasis including aspects such as hormonal equilibrium. - Males & Females each require difference essential daily -
The role of 4ood4our4hought.org is to retroactively activate the cognition of Nutrition within The Body. For all Hue(Wo)man that want a more complete and positive understanding of Wellness 4ood4our4hought will strive to employ KNOWLEDGE. We have the capacity to directly connected with The Frequency of The Earth this can be achieved with Proper Nutrition. Food & Fluid intake are two aspect that were very well Known and used to Heal, Rejuvenate and induce Vibrancy while experiencing Maximum Life